Thermal printer code generatorgenerate C code to drive a thermal printer

Made by me : Programming , Design

For an electronic project i wanted to be able to print stuff out of a small thermal printer connected to an Arduino.
The fact is, these toys ask for really specific data structures in order to print the right things. Generating images or glyph fonts data being kind of unthinkable and being unhappy with existing tools, i built my own one.

The purpose of this tool to generate C code ready for use with a thermal printer.

Existing tools being made for more general purpose they don't necessary take account for limitations about that specific hardware.
Also, they do not give much freedom and need a drawing tool able to export images in one specifc format in order to be able to import that bitmap on it and generate C code.

That tool is made specifically for this thermal printer and generates code that works around some eventual problems (bytes length, lines sizes, glyphs overwrite indexes, etc...) allows to :
  • save and load projects configurations
  • paste images on the creation
  • write text on a given font, size, style
  • customize the generated code
  • define injection areas
  • create font glyphs natively supported by and ready to be uploaded to the printer
  • create images with a maximum width same as the paper's width

Try the tool here !


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Butt face

Hello, i'm François Dursus, i'm 40 years old, i'm french, i live in Paris and i like creating things with help of programming.

I love making useless, fun, creative, useful or stupid stuff and i always do it with much love as long as I like the idea!

If you have any question, request or a deep need to tell me how much you love me, feel free to fill the form below !


Thanks !
